Just say “NO” to weeds this year! For 2025, selecting the right industrial-strength weed killer is key to effective, long-lasting weed control. In this article, we’ll highlight the best practices for using our top weed killers and soil sterilants to help you maintain weed-free spaces for multiple growing seasons.
Where can I buy the best industrial strength weed killer?
Every day, people see the results of weed killer, weed killing products, and soil sterilants without even realizing it. When you see an empty space, it doesn’t register that before it was bare ground, there were weeds, grasses, and other kinds of growth. At Continental Research, production of industrial strength weed killer and sterilant for weeds is one of our highest priorities. In fact, our top selling products fall into the categories of soil sterilization, total or top killing, and broadleaf weed killing. We carry them in liquid, granular and aerosols.
First and foremost, let’s clarify our emphasis on soil sterilization and weed killer safety. We want to distinguish the difference between our commercial weed killer products and ones that you read negative reviews about. Glyphosate is the primary ingredient in any weed killer product, produced by what was formerly known as Monsanto, now Bayer. There has been a multi-BILLION-dollar, class action lawsuit settlement based on an enormous number of cancer cases and deaths related to its use. We know glyphosates get the job done for soil sterilization and killing weeds, but the hazards are far too great. At Continental Research, it’s not worth the risk to our customers and that’s why we don’t carry any glyphosate. We also don’t carry products with DDT or defoliants like agent orange. In many cases, we carry low VOC formulations of products – whether it’s mandated or just for the concern for the ozone - we provide an industrial strength weed killer you can use in all 50 states.
The reason soil sterilant and commercial weed killer is so popular is because the effects last multiple growing seasons, and with repeated use, eliminate the need for annual and repeated applications. Let’s say you haven’t used any soil sterilant on a gravel parking space. After the first application you’ll see the weeds and grasses begin to die before withering away with natural weather elements. After a couple of growing cycles – about a year or so in the Midwest, United States - fresh shoots will appear, with 10-25% regrowth being the average. There may be residual root life remaining from various reasons such as the wind carrying fresh seeds. The solution is simply just to reapply the application which will be less this time because there will be less growth to kill. As a rule of thumb, you will get back 10-25% of the original regrowth. You’ll always have new growth as wind carries new seeds, but you’ll never have to use as much weed killer or soil sterilant as you did in the previous application. Keep in mind that soil sterilization is somewhat of a misuse of the word sterilization. Over time soil will in fact be able to support plant life again. It’s dependent on many factors that can be hard to specify, but rain will eventually dilute the chemicals and move it below root depth. Meanwhile, other fertile soils will leech their plant supporting nutrients back into the treated area. Worms, aphids, weevils, caterpillars, ground beetles and other beneficial insects will work back into the area and Mother Nature will restore the vital elements needed for desirable plant growth once the soil sterilant is washed away.
What is the best industrial strength weed killer?
Our most popular and most frequently purchased industrial strength weed killer is Double 6. The reason for the popularity is simple: You want dead weeds and Double 6 is sure to kill them and prevent regrowth for multiple growing seasons! It comes in both a regular or Low VOC formula and is applied, undiluted, directly from the drum or bucket. Double 6 has drift reducers to keep it from blowing in the wind and damaging areas other than intended but should still be used with caution. Fortunately, this means that on a mostly calm day you can apply it where you want without concern for drift or leaching. Double 6 industrial strength weed killer is formulated for the professional user to leave bare earth or vegetation free gravel roads, driveways, bike paths, buildings, highway medians, fence lines, culverts, roadway drainage, bridge abutments, signposts, parking lots, sidewalks, walkways and retaining walls. The active ingredients in Continental’s soil sterilants work through the leaves, stalk, stem, and roots while simultaneously raising the soil acidity content too high to support plant growth. It’s safe to say this bromacil-based product gets the job done every time.
How often should I spray industrial strength weed killer?
As far as we’re concerned, our job is making your job easier, so decreasing man hours and labor time on soil sterilization is our priority. For example, if you apply this industrial strength weed killer to a fence line you won’t have to grass whip or weed whack the treated area for an entire season. Late spring through the winter, the lasting effects are evident. Instead of trimming around the fence line, weekly, for 18-25 weeks, that number will drop to nearly zero. To put simply, this saves a lot of time that can go towards other maintenance projects.
In addition to the active weed killing ingredients, Double 6 is formulated with petroleum distillates and it is not a product recommended for use by the least capable of your staff. There are clear, simple, complete directions for application on the label as with all other Continental Research products. An SDS will be shipped each time you order (you can find SDS, product labels and other information online 24/7 at www.crcorp.com). For proper use, gloves, protective eyewear, and other safety items should always be worn. Washing of hands, face, and spraying equipment is required after application. In fact, washing your work clothes should be a standard operating procedure after using any weed killer.
What other high quality commercial weed killers are there?
N.S.H 2025 and Double 6 Low VOC are comparable products to Double 6 that both meet VOC requirements that vary state to state. Additionally, both are bromacil-based. While useable in all 50 states, all labels and precautions should be adhered to. These ready-to-use formulas make them easy to use, so as soon as your staff are armed with the proper safety equipment, they will be ready to spray. Either N.S.H 2025 or Double 6 Low VOC are a good choice for a strong soil sterilant and work similarly to original Double 6. The more you use it in the first application, the less that you will have to apply in future soil sterilization treatments. A distinguishing feature of Double 6 Low VOC is that it is 25% stronger than the N.S.H 2025 making it more versatile and more assuring on the first application. For this reason, we suggest you start with Double 6 Low VOC and reorder N.S.H 2025 to further reduce your costs in the second and third years.
Continental Research carries a variety of other soil sterilants. Drench n’ Die is a popular water-based soil sterilant that is simple to mix. In fact, it’s meant to be highly diluted with water in parts of the country where there is high clay content in the soil. The purpose is to thoroughly soak or drench the area because the clay will keep it from absorbing deeper into the tail of the roots. What’s more, the high dilution ratio makes it an economical product to use where there isn’t high clay content because it will work similarly to Double 6, with the exception that Drench n’ Die is prometon based. There is not a noticeable difference in performance though some professionals prefer one over the other. Another benefit of Drench n’ Die is that for rapid weedkilling it may be diluted with a petroleum solvent like diesel fuel, or mineral spirits. This will keep it from penetrating too deep because oil is lighter than water and will therefore last longer on the surface. Whack, another water-based bromacil, is a terrific dilutable weedkiller. The only significant difference between Whack and Drench n' Die (prometon) is that Whack (bromacil) is dilutable only with water.
Rounding out our industrial strength weed killers is Double Time, our granular soil sterilant. It’s a granular that works incredibly well around chalk rock spaces like electric sub stations, propane tank farms, or large lots like RV dealers and campgrounds. With this solution you are relying on natural weather elements to aide in dispersing the chemical, but you’ll use much less because the chalk rock won’t be absorbing all the product. Apply Double Time the morning before an afternoon shower and you will see first-hand the efficiency of this product for. Of course, like with all our soil sterilization and commercial weed killer solutions, after the initial application you’ll same both time and money on subsequent uses.
The final total kill weed killer is Contact II. It kills all weeds, grasses, and plant growth. However, it does not work as a soil sterilant. That makes it safe to use under trees, shrubs, and other ornamental greenery. Its primary active ingredient is diquat and industry vets sometimes refer to it as a ‘liquid trimmer’. It works through the stalk and stems but not the roots, so you avoid doing any sterilization of the soil. Contact II may also be used as an aquatic weedkiller for cattails, algae, and other plant growth typically found in small ponds. When using in ponds to reduce algae be sure to treat no more than 1/3 of the surface area per 2-week period. You also may not use the water for irrigation in the same 2-week period because it will starve plant life with oxygen deprivation which may kill fish and other desirable plant and animal life.
We also carry a selective weed killer called Select Weed II that works on broadleaf weeds. It’s a different type of weed killer because it works on weeds (dicots – weeds with veins going in all directions) but not grasses (monocots-plants who’s veins all run parallel). This is a job for detail-oriented professionals as the application of Select Weed II requires precise dilution and application to assure it that it doesn’t kill your ornamental and desirable plants. It’s the ideal product for culling the broadleaf weeds from an ornamental lawn when used according to label directions.
Lastly, another top seller is D.T.W Death to Weeds. DTW is conveniently packaged and dispensed with an upside-down spray tip. It has a very precise pinpoint pattern, so it only goes where you apply it. It is ideal for killing weeds in cracks and crevasses, cart paths, driveways, sidewalks, sand traps or anywhere just a spritz per plant is needed. While not cost effective for large plots, it is very economical to use for spot spraying because there’s no prep or cleanup after you use the product. We also carry DTW Select for spot spray on broadleaf weeds on your turf or ornamental lawns.
For the best weed killer or sterilant for weeds, professionals prefer the Continental brand of Grounds Care products. We make your job easier - simply Request a quote or Ask an Expert and you will be working with the best industrial strength weed killer available.